Get behind the Streets of Kampala

* Who is thus far supporting the project? Click here.
* And click here to add your voice to theirs.

We are not talking about your money here — but if you happen to have available funds do get in touch and we can figure out how to put them to work for the good cause — rather that we are inviting cities, groups, agencies, NGOs and others around the world to go on record to show that they share and support the ideas that are behind the Streets of Kampala program.

It is important when there is a city that is standing up and showing itself brave enough to break the old patterns of indifference and fatality, and where citizens are ready to band themselves together to improve their understand of the issues and choices open in terms of sustainable transport in their city, and to make their voices heard, that they have the feeling that they are not alone.

It often happens that groups who try to advance the sustainability agenda find themselves isolated locally in political and media circles and treated as naive, incompetent and out of step with reality. So in such cases it can be valuable for them to be able to show that they are not alone.  That there are other cities, other agencies, other groups who share their objectives, and that there are in fact part of the new mainstream, the leading edge of transport policy and practice worldwide.

So your support, while perhaps “merely” simple, is a lot more than that. Click here to indicate your support of the project, give us your name, organization (if any), city, country and URL — and we can then post it to the list of supporting groups which you will find here.

2 responses to “Get behind the Streets of Kampala

  1. Clovis Bergere

    Nice work!

    Clovis Bergere (Rutgers University, Camden, N.J. USA)

  2. For those of us who know nothing of Kampala….a summary of the situation and the intentions of the group you would like us to support…would be helpful. Is transportation bad in Kampala? And if so, how bad?

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